Latinoamerica en el aula
Repertoire for school musical groups
Compilation of the study, work and dedication of a group of Music Education teachers with children and young people from schools in the Tarapaca and Valparaiso region in Chile. These works have been adapted for instrumental groups of schools. They have technical and interpretive elements that make them a real contribution and support to the work of music teachers. A repertoire to be used with groups that are beginning in the musical practice, thus granting a didactic character. The teacher can teach in a simple and playful way.
Authors: Ximena Valverde Ocariz and Victor Choque Morales
Year: 2015
Latinoamerica en el aula: Fiestas y Carnavales
Traditional music in Andean celebrations
The second volume of Latinoamerica en el Aula compiles the values that music represents in Andean societies. It is a compilation of traditional songs present in Andean patron festivals and carnivals in Chile, Peru and Bolivia. The dynamics of movement and migration have taken music, together with dance, to different places, acquiring new forms over time. The Andean peoples have appropriated and made these musical performances their own, thus developing a great sense of belonging.
Authors: Ximena Valverde Ocáriz, Victor Choque Morales and Raúl Jorquera Rossel.
Year: 2016